Platform to Arti-Q-Late Freelance Animators and Designers with the AVGC Industry.

Qolaborating Synergies with a vision to make millions of dreams come true.


Key Features of Arti-Q-Late

These are the key features that set us apart and give us the edge over our competition.

ArtiQlate Performance Index

The Arti-Q-Late performance Index, Q.P.I, evaluates candidates based on a unique set of parameters. This index helps freelancers build trust in the market and acquire more projects.

Rapid Response

Companies dont have to wait to find the right resources. Our rapid response helps in quickly artiQlating the right talent for your jobs and also ensures timely delivery from freelancers.

Constant Work Flow

With our connects with the industry we promise constant work flow for freelancers enabling them to make the most of their free time.

Wide range of portfolios

Bored of doing the same job day-in and day-out? We offer a wide range of portfolios for you to choose from. Choose the jobs that interest you the most and get them done!

About Us

Arti-Q-Late is a platform to connect the freelance Designers and Animators with the AVGC Industry.

Our main focus is on connecting the talent with the industry, while ensuring that the talent is being rightly valued and ensure regular payments.

We provided trusted freelance resources to companies and ensure on-time project delivery.

Pricing Table

Our Pricing Plan

We believe money should not be a barrier in the way to achieve success.


Rs 9/mo

10 Leads

Unverified Companies

No reviews





Rs 99/mo

100 Leads

Verified Companies

Evaluation as per our Q.P.I





Rs 999/mo

Unlimited Leads

Exclusive Companies

Preferential Benefits




Our Team

Meet Our Team

The backbone of Arti-Q-Late is our strong team that brings in diversity of thoughts and innovative approach to the table.


Chaitanya Shaha

Founder, CEO


Mandar Waghmare

Co-Founder, CSO


Aishwarya Gore

Co-Founder, COO


Let's talk!
Love to hear from you!

Our Location

Dhanakawadi, Pune | S.B. Road, Pune

How Can We Help?


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